About me
Kara Jolliff Gould has taught media-related courses almost continuously for more than 20 years. She began her journalistic career in radio newswriting in Chicago, then continued writing for a suburban daily before making the move to academia. For several years she was co-owner and scriptwriter at a video production company that produced scores of corporate videos for Fortune 500 clients. She has taught media-related courses at universities including the University of Utah (where she completed her doctoral work), Weber State, Pepperdine University, John Brown University and the University of Arkansas. Courses taught include media & society, media law, media criticism, writing and production. She currently teaches in-person and online media law courses that meet a core requirement for majors at the University of Arkansas School of Journalism & Strategic Media. She researches how media law is taught and is currently exploring how to effectively incorporate the study of AI into media law courses through an exploration of its impact on copyright law.