About me
Dr. Brad Yates is a tenured full Professor and Dean of the School of Communication, Film, and Media at UWG, where he has been on faculty since 2000. He teaches media law, media programming and management, mass communication research methods, and radio/television/video production. He was selected to participate in the 2017 Governor’s Teaching Fellows Summer Symposium, offered through the Institute of Higher Education. Yates was also selected for competitive fellowships/seminars with the International Radio and Television Society, the NATPE Educational Foundation, and the Television Academy Foundation, among others. He earned the College of Social Sciences’ Outstanding Teaching (2015), Outstanding Service (2014), and Outstanding Mentor (2012, 2018) awards. Yates is the founder of UWG’s WOLF Radio and is the former faculty advisor of the UWG Chapter of NBS-AERho, the National Electronic Media Association, which was taken over by BEA. He served the NBS-AERho Board of Governors for three years and was named NBS-AERho Advisor of the Year in 2013 and 2017. He earned the campus student organization Advisor of the Year in 2014. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of ASJMC as the Medium Program Representative. He is the former chair of the Entertainment Studies Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication and holds membership in the Broadcast Education Association and the National Association for Media Literacy Education. His research interests include media literacy, mass communication education, popular music, and Bruce Springsteen. His research has been presented at national and international conferences and published in refereed journals including the Atlantic Journal of Communication, The Internet and Higher Education, Journal of Popular Music Studies, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, and Learning, Media & Technology. Yates’ professional experience is in television/video production, and he earned an M.S. in TV-Radio-Film from Newhouse at Syracuse University, and a Ph.D. from the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida.