Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Keep checking back for event registration, speaker announcements, and more details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at help@BEAweb.org for info and more.
Monday April 7, 2025 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers over 400 awards in more than 135 countries for U.S. citizens to teach, conduct research and carry out professional projects around the world. Obtaining this coveted award is extremely competitive and the process of approval is rigorous and opaque. Finalists are granted their award without much explanation of what got them across the finish line and unsuccessful applicants are left to grasp at straws as to where they went wrong. This panel seeks to demystify the process of applying for a Fulbright grant and examine the various opportunities. The panelists will discuss their successes and failures in navigating the Fulbright application process and their international appointments.

Moderator: James E. Machado, MFA, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Panelists: Katerina Spasovska, Western Carolina University
Madeleine Liseblad, California State University, Long Beach
Andrew Sharma, Salisbury University
Richard Vogel, retired from Culver Stockton College

Katerina Spasovska

Associate Professor, Western Carolina University
avatar for Madeleine Liseblad

Madeleine Liseblad

Assistant Professor, California State University, Long Beach

Andrew Sharma

Salisbury University
Monday April 7, 2025 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT

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