Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Keep checking back for event registration, speaker announcements, and more details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at help@BEAweb.org for info and more.
Monday April 7, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
The purpose of this panel is to explain our exploration of the impact of separating from technology while conducting ethnographic observations, with a specific focus on a university campus. By examining the observer's experience without technological aids, this research aims to uncover the challenges and advantages of media-free research.
Moderator: Michael Sinclair, Regent University
Panelists: Allen Babiarz-Lira, Vol State Community College/Regent University; Ines Petrovic Garcia, Volunteer State/Regent University; Klaire Elissa Smith, Regent University; Larissa Krenzer, Regent University; Holly Diane Linford, Regent University; AMANDA CZUPRYNSKI, Regent University
avatar for Michael Sinclair

Michael Sinclair

Chair, Dept. of Media and Visual Arts, Regent University
I am a television producer with 30 years of experience writing, directing, and producing television for various networks, including Discovery Channel, TLC, HGTV, OWN, Travel Channel, ID, MSNBC, National Geographic Channel, BET, PBS, and others.  I teach film and television production... Read More →
avatar for Allen Babiarz-Lira

Allen Babiarz-Lira

Lecturer, Communication/Ph.D. Student, Vol State Community College/Regent University

Larissa Krenzer

Regent University

Holly Linford

Regent University
Monday April 7, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am PDT

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