Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Monday April 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
This session will feature panelists from several universities that teach sports broadcasting. Some universities have full-fledged sports majors, while other colleges include sports activities as part of a general broadcast major. The panelists will highlight their programs, including how students, staff, and faculty are involved in the process. Student production excerpts will be shared with the audience. The programming may come from sports segments in radio or television newscasts, weekly shows, or specials. The program carriers vary from campus closed-circuit systems to community cable channels and public broadcasting stations. Issues to be discussed will include the balancing act of producing quality programming and providing students with a positive learning experience at the same time, the sometimes-challenging relationship between academics and the Athletic Department, and the ongoing budget battle.
Moderator: Kenneth A. Fischer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Panelists: Andrew Smith, Kansas State University; William R. Davie, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Anjelica Trinone, West Virginia University
avatar for Kenneth A. Fischer

Kenneth A. Fischer

Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ken Fischer is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Nebraska. He worked in the broadcasting industry for more than two decades.  His career included work in public broadcasting, commercial production, and cable television. In the early 1980s, he served as Assistant... Read More →
avatar for William R. Davie

William R. Davie

Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dr. William R. (Bill) Davie holds a professorship from the Louisiana Board of Regents and is the Mass Communication/Broadcasting Coordinator for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He has authored and coauthored research papers, journal articles, and books on electronic media... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

News Director/Assistant Director AQ Miller School of Media and Communication, Kansas State University

Anjelica Trinone

West Virginia University
Monday April 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT

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