Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Keep checking back for event registration, speaker announcements, and more details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at help@BEAweb.org for info and more.
Saturday April 5, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm PDT
So You're the Department Chair: Guidance From Those Who Have Done It
This panel will feature a group of current and former department chairs from all over the country. We invite any department chairs who are new to the position or who are simply looking for new ideas on how to tackle the many issues and challenges that come with the position to attend. Panelists will provide tips and tricks that have helped them to make the most of their time in the Chair position. We will also be providing ample time for Q & A so that we can best try to assist with the specific challenges you are facing at your institution. This panel will share insights about how we acquired an administrative position, the challenges in the transition to the "dark side" and the expectations of leadership in higher ed.
Moderator: Lowery Woodall, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Panelists: Sara Magee, Loyola University Maryland
Craig A. Stark, Susquehanna University

Teaching to Administration: How it started, How it’s going.
As faculty earn tenure and promotion, many higher education institutions tap these seasoned faculty to take on leadership roles and serve as an administrator. However, the transition isn’t as pleasant as one may think. Higher education is going through a change and leaders are seeking strategies to meet the workforce demands while also envisioning strategies to increase the value of a college education. From teaching to the classroom to solving higher education problems, the transition can be exciting, rewarding, challenging, and exhausting. Before faculty consider the leap to the “dark side,” they can hear stories of success and challenges, and ask questions of administrators who were once peers of the faculty membership.
Moderator: Angela Criscoe, Georgia College & State University
Panelists: David P. Burns, Salisbury University
Bradford L. Yates, University of West Georgia
Aaron Chimbel, St. Bonaventure University
avatar for Angela Criscoe

Angela Criscoe

Executive Director, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Georgia College & State University
I am the Executive Director of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at Georgia College.  As an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication, I expressed a passion and interest in researching, exploring, and using innovative technologies in film and television... Read More →

Lowery Woodall

Millersville University of Pennsylvania
avatar for Craig A. Stark

Craig A. Stark

Associate Professor, Susquehanna University
Associate Professor Communications, Susquehanna University
avatar for Brad Yates

Brad Yates

Dean & Professor, University of West Georgia
Dr. Brad Yates is a tenured full Professor and Dean of the School of Communication, Film, and Media at UWG, where he has been on faculty since 2000. He teaches media law, media programming and management, mass communication research methods, and radio/television/video production... Read More →
avatar for Aaron Chimbel

Aaron Chimbel

Dean and Professor, St. Bonaventure University
avatar for Sara Magee

Sara Magee

Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland
Associate Professor of Communication at Loyola University Maryland (and former Communication Department Chair) who teaches graduate and undergraduate classes and conducts research in broadcast and multimedia creation and production, media ethics, global journalism and journalism education... Read More →

David Burns

Salisbury University
Saturday April 5, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm PDT

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