Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Keep checking back for event registration, speaker announcements, and more details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at help@BEAweb.org for info and more.
Saturday April 5, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
LinkedIn, Indeed, Talent Portals-there is a variety of ways to look for the first job as you graduate from college. What will help you stand out in this still competitive job market? What should your resume and portfolio include? We will gather a panel of recruiters and hiring managers to help soon-to-be grads prepare to enter the job market.
Moderator: Heather Dunn, Talent Dynamics/ASU
Panelists: Kari Patey, VP of Producer Development, CBS News and Stations
Sinan Sadar, News Talent Recruitment, Hearst Television
Chip Mahaney, Emerging Talent Leader, E.W. Scripps Company
Patrick McCreery, Owner, Talent Dynamics and former President, Meredith Local Media Group
avatar for Heather Dunn

Heather Dunn

Sr. Placement Specialist, Talent Dynamics/ASU
Broadcast producing, news producing, job placement

Kari Patey

VP of Producer Development, CBS News and Stations

Sinan Sadar

News Talent Recruitment, Hearst Television

Chip Mahaney

Emerging Talent Leader, E.W. Scripps Company

Patrick McCreery

Owner, Talent Dynamics and former President, Meredith Local Media Group
Saturday April 5, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm PDT

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