Welcome to the BEA2025 convention program! All BEA sessions and events take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, 3rd floor.

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Keep checking back for event registration, speaker announcements, and more details. Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at help@BEAweb.org for info and more.
Sunday April 6, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
News coverage of major events provide signposts to our lives. We look to news coverage to provide context and meaning to extraordinary events. This panel examines events like Chernobyl, the Berlin Wall, the Iranian Revolution the bombing of TWA800, and the American hostage crisis, CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War, and recounting the bombing of TWA 800. Speakers will provide a context and analysis of coverage of the events.
Moderator: Thomas A. Mascaro, Bowling Green State University
Panelists: Boriana Treadwell, University of Miami; Robin Mazyck Sundaramoorthy, University of Maryland; Lydia Reeves Timmins, University of Delaware; James E. Machado, MFA, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
avatar for Tom Mascaro

Tom Mascaro

Professor Emeritus, Bowling Green State University
Documentary History and Research
avatar for Lydia Reeves Timmins

Lydia Reeves Timmins

Associate Professor, University of Delaware
Associate Professor at the University of Delaware teaching all things news and video.
avatar for James E. Machado

James E. Machado

Associate Professor, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
James Machado is an Associate Professor of Media Arts Production at Millersville University of Pennsylvania. After working for a series of corporate clients, including Ubisoft, Yahoo!, and Lehman Brothers, he embarked on what has been an 18-year career as a freelance editor and producer... Read More →
avatar for Boriana Treadwell

Boriana Treadwell

Senior Lecturer, University of Miami
I am a former CNN producer turned full time journalism professor. I teach broadcast journalism classes at the University of Miami, and I am one of the faculty advisers to the student-run university TV station, UMTV. For the past 7 years, I've advised the flagship weekly live news... Read More →
avatar for Robin Sundaramoorthy

Robin Sundaramoorthy

University of Maryland
Sunday April 6, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am PDT

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